Assignment Actions

The Assignment section of the Work Order Detail page includes an Action menu that provides options to quickly assign a work order.

  1. Click the Action button in the Assignment section.

    The Assignments Action menu opens.

  2. Choose between two options:

    • To quickly assign the work order to yourself, select Assign to Me.

      The assignment is made and the page will refresh showing the assignment.

    • Select another individual to assign:

      1. Use the available filter to narrow the list of individuals displayed.

        Numerous options are available to filter to direct reports, labor nearby, or employees with the same category as that defined for the work order. The last filter used is displayed by default.

        The options to filter to labor records with experience with the asset or classification are especially valuable. These options return labor records with recorded actual labor on the asset or classification.

        Once a filter is selected, the list of corresponding records display.

      2. Scroll to the desired record and select it.

        The assignment is made and the page refreshes with the new assignment.

Assignments can also be made by clicking an empty Assignment button on the Work Order Details tab. This opens the Assignment tab in new assignment mode. For more information, see Create Assignment from Calendar.